Show Notes for Tuesday, March 04, 2025

John & Heidi share funny stories of people doing weird things... plus it's a Tuesday... so we have everyone's favorite segment... TUESDAYS with Charlie!!!BUY THE T-SHIRTS HERE OR HERE

TODAY'S REASON TO PARTY! (special thanks to

Voodoo Rum Punch


Do you consider yourself to be the “fun-loving” type? If you do, that’s a good thing, because new research has found that playful people are resilient. That means, in this case, that they are better-equipped to find silver linings in difficult situations – and find creative solutions. A team from Oregon State University and Vanderbilt University found in their study that playful people aren’t just wearing “rose-colored glasses”. They actually carry what the researchers call a “color spotlight,” which selectively highlights opportunities for growth and enjoyment — while maintaining realism about difficult situations. This means that instead of naively believing everything will work out, playful individuals are able to reframe their circumstances in ways that make life more engaging, regardless of how tough a situation might be for them.


Not even Spider-Man is above getting carded. Tom Holland learned that the hard way after his U.K. I.D. was rejected while attempting purchase his own non-alcoholic beer brand, Bero, on a recent trip to Target. The actor chronicled the adventure – and all of it hilarious hiccups — in a since-deleted Instagram story, which was later posted on social media by fans after the 24-hour time limit expired. He explained as he walked through a Target parking lot: “They wouldn’t accept my ID because it’s English and I couldn’t prove my age, so a really lovely employee, I guess, scanned their ID.” He laughed as he continued, saying: “Kind of ironic that I wasn’t allowed to buy my own product.”

The new horror comedy “The Monkey” had a strong opening weekend, although it took silver at the box office, behind “Captain America: Brave New World.” The super hero movie managed to top the charts domestically, despite a substantial tumble in its second weekend, taking in an estimated $28.1 million. The Monkey managed about $14 million, pretty good when you figure in the fact that it only cost $10 to make. “Paddington in Peru” took third place, with a projected weekend haul of $6.5 million.

In the premiere of “The Baldwins,” which debuted last night on TLC, Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria speak candidly about their family’s struggle through the aftermath of the fatal 2021 “Rust” shooting. Alec Baldwin at one point says that in the most difficult moments of the “terrible” year prior to his trial, “there was times I’d lay in bed and I’d go, ‘Wow, I can’t get up.’” His wife added: “Everyone who is close to Alec has see his mental health decline. He was diagnosed with PTSD.” Baldwin pleaded not guilty, and his case was dismissed days after his trial began in July 2024. He faced up to 18 months in prison.


Did you know, according to a study, drinking just 2 cups of coffee a day cuts the risk of liver disease in half.


Take this story as another reminder not to reuse the same password for multiple websites. A Forbes report found that more than 70% of us do. And a spokesperson for TrustedSec, an ethical hacking company reminds us that using the same password again and again makes it easier for hackers to access multiple accounts. And it’s not good enough to just change existing passwords slightly for other sites. I know you’ve heard it before, but the best security against others accessing your logins is to set up multi-factor authentication – and use a password manager. And use passwords featuring punctuation or symbols. And make your passwords long – like 20 characters long.

Are you a “dream rememberer”, or do you wake in the morning with no idea of what your brain has been doing for the past 7 or 8 hours? Although about 1 in 4 people claim they don’t dream at night, the truth is that they simply don’t REMEMBER their dreams. Why is that? According to a new study, it’s the daydreamers among us who are more likely to have stronger recall of their overnight adventures. The study, published in Communications Psychology, involved detailed sleep monitoring, cognitive testing, and brain activity measurements. The researchers say that 3 main factors turned out to be strong predictors of dream recall: a person’s general attitude toward dreaming (whether they agreed that dreams are useful), their tendency to let their mind wander during waking hours (this makes sense, as both dreaming and daydreaming involve similar brain networks), and their typical sleep patterns (Those who typically enjoy longer periods of lighter sleep with less deep sleep tend to be better at remembering their dreams).


If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

“The man who says his wife can’t take a joke, forgets that she took him.” — Oscar Wilde


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Elephants can detect rain 150 miles away.

People read as much as 10% slower from a screen than from paper.

The term “genuine leather” does not mean ‘real’ leather. It is a distinct grade of leather and is the second lowest-quality type.

If you keep going North, you will eventually go South, but if you keep going East, you will never go West.

Snakes sleep with both eyes open.


For more than a year, each month, the people of Beeston, a town in England, have been finding a plate of bananas in exactly the same place. On the first or second day of each month, a plate stacked with 16-20 peeled bananas – drizzled with honey, no less — always shows up on the corner of Abbey Road and Wensor Avenue — and the locals have no idea who is behind it – or if it is supposed to mean something. Some have speculated that the banana delivery has some sort of religious meaning, while others believe that it’s just someone feeding the local wildlife, although no animal ever touches them. So far, no one has ever seen the mystery person leaving the plate of peeled bananas in the same place, but now that the story has gone viral, that may change soon.


14% of men have not done this for more than 30 days…and it’s more common at work.

A: Not cleaning their coffee cup


Today's story: Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed by Mo Willems




A recent thread on Quora asked users to post their “cool psychological facts”. Here are some tips from people on how to gain the “upper hand” on others in day-to-day interactions…

⇒ “If you think that someone is going to talk badly about you in a professional setting, sit next to that person. It is much harder to speak poorly of someone who’s in close proximity to you.”

⇒ “If you can’t sustain eye contact, try staring at the space between the eyebrows of that person. They won’t be able to tell where you are looking at, thinking you are still holding their gaze.”

⇒ “If someone keeps talking and you can’t get in the conversation…drop something (key, pen, etc.). You bend down to pick it up and start talking. This way, you can interrupt the other party without being noticed.”

⇒ “If you want someone to keep talking, remain silent, but keep eye contact. They will feel an implicit pressure to elaborate or keep talking.”

⇒ “If you want to build people’s trust more quickly…subtly mirroring people’s body language subconsciously makes them think you’re in sync, which works very well for building trust.”

⇒ “If someone is trying to make you decide in a hurry, they are probably giving you a bad deal. Walk away.” (Are you picturing a used car salesperson, too?)

⇒ “If you are too angry and want to control your anger, go and stand in front of a mirror. Works like magic!” (Either that, or you’ll shatter it to pieces in a fit of rage…!)

…And here areMORE psychological cheat codes!

⇒ “Stop spending more money simply to get free shipping.”

⇒ “Your coffee is probably still in the microwave.”

⇒ “Don’t throw out the box with the directions until it’s 100% put together.”

⇒ “Your glasses? They’re on the top of your head.”

⇒ “Just because it pops into your head doesn’t mean it should come out of your mouth.”

⇒ “Don’t use your phone as a flashlight to look for your phone.”

⇒ “Wearing headphones does not make your flatulence silent.”


A Philly Fan's 'Lost' Jacket Comes With A Heartwarming Twist