Show Notes for Tuesday, October 01, 2024

John & Heidi share funny stories of people doing weird things... plus it's a Tuesday... so we have everyone's favorite segment... TUESDAYS with Charlie!!!BUY THE T-SHIRTS HERE OR HERE

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

October 1st

National Homemade Cookies Day

Fellowpino Day

Balloons Around The World Day

CD Player Day

International Coffee Day

International Music Day

International Raccoon Appreciation Day

Less Than Perfect Day

Model T Day

National Black Dog Day

National Green City Day

National Hair Day

National Lace Day

National Pumpkin Spice Day

World Sake Day

World Vegetarian Day

Fire Pup Day

International Day Of Older Persons

China’s National Day

Cyprus’s National Day

Nigeria’s National Day

Palau’s National Day

Tuvalu’s National Day

James Earl Carter’s Birthday

Pchum Ben

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

If you’re like me, you know that it’s important to your physical and mental health to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, but you also know that sometimes, that’s impossible. But fortunately, according to a new study, you can catch up on your rest on weekends. Research presented at a recent meeting of the European Society of Cardiology shows how sleeping in on weekends could reduce your risk of heart disease by 20%. The study author, from China’s National Center for Cardiovascular Disease, said that the effect is especially notable among those who regularly do not get enough sleep on weekdays (like…everyone?). And, you’re right: Previous studies have found just the opposite, but being the optimistic type, we’re willing to go with this one!

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

The average adult has 2 embarrassing secrets that they keep from everyone, according to a poll conducted in 2021. The OnePoll survey of British adults found that mental health issues are the most common secret among adults. After that, an embarrassing or “cringeworthy” incident comes in at #2, with a third of respondents admitting to keeping such mistakes to themselves. The rest of the top-5 secrets, in order, were: people’s internet history, their eating or snacking habits, and their hygiene habits.


Shark Tank” has promoted billionaire KIND Snacks founder Daniel Lubetzky to a full-time shark investor on the ABC series, as Mark Cuban departs. Executive producer Clay Newbill said in a statement: “As a guest Shark for the past 5 seasons, Daniel has earned his spot with the Sharks. He is a self-made founder of a multibillion-dollar company, has all the qualities we look for in a Shark, and possesses an authentic desire to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses.” Cuban, the Dallas Mavericks co-owner, previously shared that he would be making his exit after Season 16., which kicks off Oct. 18.

Ellen DeGeneres has unveiled the first trailer for “For Your Approval”, her final stand-up special, which premieres on Netflix on Tuesday. As the trailer opens, she says she wants to “catch you up” on what she has been doing lately. DeGeneres announces that she has taken up gardening, and “Oh yeah, I got kicked out of show business.” She goes on to discuss being labeled “The ‘be kind’ girl [that] wasn’t kind,” saying, “Here’s the problem…I ended the show everyday by saying ‘Be kind to one another.’ Had I ended my show by saying ‘Go (***you know what***) yourselves,’ people would’ve been pleasantly surprised to find out I’m kind.” LINK:

Angela Kinsey is about to make her Hallmark Channel debut. “The Office” star will headline “Confessions of a Christmas Letter”, which will premiere later this year as part of the network’s Countdown to Christmas programming event. Kinsey plays ‘Settie Rose’, a quirky family matriarch who enters her town’s holiday letter-writing contest. But she needs help, so she hires struggling novelist ‘Juan’ to craft the perfect letter. When a mix-up leads to the rumor that Juan is engaged to Settie’s daughter, the whole family scrambles to keep up the charade.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

A study found a link between poor social skills in children and TV viewing.

A British tattoo artist is becoming known for his signature “debossed” tattoos, which look like they’ve been carved into the skin. Danial Gulliver, known as ‘Gully’, specializes in a number of different tattoo styles, including miniature ultra-realistic portraits and optical illusions. But he is mostly sought after for his debossed tattoos, which are not only unnerving to look at, they make the observer wonder exactly what went into creating such graphic looking skin art. It’s difficult to describe them without showing a picture, and there are plenty of those on his Instagram profile @gullytattoo. LINK:

Some timely advice for those heading back to the classroom – or to the office this fall: Avoid mid-thickness paper, if you’re concerned about getting a nasty paper-cut. Three physicists in Denmark carried out experiments to determine the likelihood of slicing your skin using different thicknesses of common paper. The paper most likely to cause a cut was mid-thickness, which includes printer paper, newspaper, and Post-it notes. Thicker paper usually had too flat an edge to slice, while thin tissue paper and photo paper buckled against the gelatin material used as a stand-in for skin in the experiments. Some printer paper was so sharp that the scientists were able to use it to cut vegetables and meats.

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Babies cry for an average of 1 to 3 hours each day.

There are 923 words in the English language that break the “i before e” rule. Only 44 words actually follow it.

Experts say it’s harder to tell a lie to someone you find sexually attractive.

Scientists have concluded that the chicken came first, not the egg, because the protein which makes egg shells is only produced by hens.

Cats don’t have a collarbone, and therefore can fit through any opening the size of their head.


Question: It has been calculated that over 10 billion of THESE are sent each day. What are they?

Answer: Emojis

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

The newest Gen Z slang term is “Oomf”. What-now? It’s a term of affection that has recently been popularized online by Gen Z, but has actually existed for years. On X, it has been used as a hashtag to mean “one of my followers” since 2010. Now, young people are using it to refer to other social media users they interact with. When calling someone “bff” (best friend forever), your friend is fully aware they have a close spot in your heart — but anyone can be oomf – and that anonymity is part of the word’s appeal, because you can covertly say things about them.

THE LIST: Brought to you by


Tipping Culture: Everyone agrees – but no one is doing anything about it. Why should you tip for counter service – or tip a self-checkout machine?

Subscriptions for everything: Remember when you didn’t have to give all your personal info just to watch a football game or visit a website?

Too many apps: Everything requires one these days. Good deals at stores, event tickets, parking…even a simple meal out, sometimes.

Too many ads: No one is safe. They take up half the screen, or you have to watch a video before moving on to the thing you went there for.

The Marvel Universe: Too many movies and constant TV shows turned the MCU into a convoluted mess. Do you even try to keep up anymore?

Blinding LED headlights: You can tell it’s a new car because your retinas are burning. Is this safe?

Artificial Intelligence: It’s becoming frighteningly common and pretty much unavoidable.

New slang: At one point, words like “cool” or “awesome” were radical, but at least those are legitimate words. “Bussin’” and “rizz” and “cheugy” just sound cheugy to me…

Movie remakes and sequels: See “Marvel Universe”, above…

Entry-level job requirements: Why would they ask that you have a degree or 2 for an entry-level job that pays next to nothing?

Sensational news: If every story is “breaking” and “sensational”, then none are. Please make your clickbait matter!

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

Zombies eat brains. You’re safe.” – Anonymous.

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

'She Was Dying': Carpenter Saves Teenage Girl's Life After Accident