Show Notes for Thursday, August 01, 2024


Dear John

I'm concerned about my brother. The last few years he has been pretty scatter-brained. He will make plans with our family and completely forget about the plans. He recently lost his job, but I don't know if that's related to this or not. He went through a divorce a few years ago and we noticed this started around that same time. Sadly, I don't know if this started before the divorce or after, but in that general time-frame. It may have even been a contributing factor. There have been many little things that add up to me being concerned. So many things that seem pretty rude, when he makes plans then forgets them, or changes his mind at the very last minute. He also tried to buy a car from a friend of mine. They worked on the details for a few days and the friend finally reached out to me to let me know that she needed to sell the car to someone else because my brother just quit replying to her. Later my brother told me he was upset that my friend “sold it our from under him” but I explained that he had not heard from you for a few days! What should I do? Several other family members have also noticed. We've asked if we can help somehow, but he doesn't think there's a problem. What do you do when someone you love is experiencing something like this?


Sad little brother

We'll answer THIS Dear John Letter on Thursday's show.... and we can answer YOUR letter NEXT week! Simply send a message to our facebook page at (your comments are welcome & wanted) or email it through our web form at Whether we use it on the air or not, EVERY Dear John Letter is answered. We offer advice and promise to keep your identity 100% anonymous. #DearJohnLetters #JohnAndHeidiShow #FreeAdvice

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

August 1st

National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

National Girlfriends Day

International Can-It Forward Day

International Childfree Day

International Mahjong Day

Lammas Aka Loaf Mass Day


National Promise To Care Day

Planner Day

Play Ball Day

Rounds Resounding Day

Scout Scarf Day

Spider-Man Day

Startup Day Across America

Woman Astronomers Day

World Lung Cancer Day

World Wide Web Day

Yorkshire Day

Homemade Pie Day

National Minority Donor Awareness Day

Respect For Parents Day

Benin’s National Day

Switzerland’s National Day

National IPA Day

National Night Out

Colorado State Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

According to new research, the average person spends 1,460 hours each year…feeling tired. To break that down, that works out to 4 hours of bleary-eyed staring into nothingness each and every day. Want more? The survey, carried out in the US, also found that a third of us “always” or “often” still feel tired — even after a good night’s sleep. Perhaps as a result, 32% of respondents said they find themselves procrastinating chores when they feel tired, and 30% said they sometimes simply stay in bed. 21% shared that they end up skipping exercising, and 20% avoid cooking. 58% of those surveyed agreed that being tired often keeps them from enjoying life.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Astronauts in space are exposed to the same amount of radiation as 150 to 6,000 chest x-rays. When astronauts leave Earth, they face a range of factors that affect them physically. That includes the intense amount of radiation that they're exposed: According to NASA, it's the equivalent of anywhere between 150 to a staggering 6,000 chest X-rays.


Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have taken their playful banter to the big screen. In the new Marvel film “Deadpool & Wolverine”, out today, Reynolds’ character ‘Deadpool’ reportedly jokes about his pal Jackman’s real-life divorce. says that in one scene, Deadpool looks at Jackman’s character ‘Wolverine’, and quips: “He’s usually shirtless, but he’s let himself go since the divorce.” While Wolverine’s character has never been through a divorce in the films, the “X-Men” actor has. Last September, Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness announced their separation after 27 years of marriage.

With the blockbuster success of “Deadpool & Wolverine”, Disney’s Marvel Cinematic Universe has become the first film franchise in history to cross $30 billion at the global box office. The achievement was announced during the studios’ presentation at San Diego Comic-Con. Deadpool & Wolverine pushed the total haul across the coveted milestone after scoring a $205 million domestic opening weekend — the biggest ever for an R-rated release and the 8th-highest of all time. It earned an estimated $400 million globally over the weekend.

A bikini worn by Carrie Fisher in “Star Wars Episode VI Return of The Jedi” has sold for $175,000. The iconic gold costume, which also included hip rings and bracelets and was worn by the late actress when her character ‘Princess Leia’ was captured and chained up by ‘Jabba the Hut’, went under the hammer at Heritage Auctions in Dallas. The auction also saw a miniature Y-Wing starfighter ship used in a mission to destroy the Death Star in “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope” sell for $1.55 million.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

National Clown Week begins on Thursday

Many of us, I’m sure, are watching the Paris Olympics from the comfort of the couch, bag of chips in hand, and wondering to ourselves: “Why don’t I look like that?” And while it is natural to compare ourselves to others, experts say we should cut ourselves some slack. As Dr. Amadeus Mason, medical director for USA Track and Field pointed out, most of the competitors spend their entire lives training for this one moment. That means it is unrealistic to expect to look like an Olympian, but it might be a good thing to enjoy the Games – and become inspired by them. Athletes don’t make it to the Olympics by accident — they identified a goal, assessed what it would require of them mentally and physically, and then addressed their obstacles and limitations. Mason suggests we do the same with our personal goals, but recognize the destinations will be different. For instance, if you’re a working mom, it might even be considered a lofty goal to work out consistently for 30 minutes, 5 days a week. And remember: It’s easy to put Olympians on a pedestal, but working out is their full-time job.

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During the 1936 Berlin Games, 2 Japanese pole-vaulters tied for second place. Instead of competing again, they cut the silver and bronze medals in half and fused the 2 different halves together, so that each had a half-silver and half-bronze medal.
✓ The winner of the first modern Olympic Marathon stopped at a tavern mid-race for a glass of wine.

Sweat doesn’t stink. It’s the bacteria on your skin that breaks the sweat down that causes an odor.

Bees know when it’s going to rain, so they put in extra work the day before.

Color blind people have better night vision.


12% of people say THIS smell makes them happy. What is it?

Answer: Clean sheets

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

One of Oscar Mayer’s famed hot dog-shaped Wienermobiles ended up flipped onto its side after crashing on a suburban Chicago highway. Cops say the Wienermobile hit a car Monday morning along Interstate 294 and its driver lost control, causing it to roll onto its side. No injuries were reported after the crash, which prompted the closure of the right lane of the northbound lane for more than an hour. Video from the crash scene shows that the yellow and orange Wienermobile being hauled away on a flatbed truck with damage visible to the vehicle’s wiener-like shape. Oscar Mayer has several Wienermobiles, which it uses at promotional events. (Yes, I understand it has 12 of them – exactly 4 more than Wonder Bread has “Bun Mobiles”!) LINK:

THE LIST: Brought to you by


Here are the absolute WORST messages to send to a potential online match, according to a survey conducted by the dating app BREEZE . . .

1. “Send pics” – found to be objectionable by 45% of participants.

2. Eggplant emoji – 44%

3. “Hey sexy, what’s your number?” – 40%

4. “Do you like bad boys/girls?” – 38%

5. “Without me?” (…as a response to someone saying they are going to take a shower) – 38%

6. “You’re so HAWT” – 34%

7. “Ur so sexy” – 34%

8. “Phwoarr” – 34%

9. “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” – 34% (Really?)

10. “I think my Spotify is broken. You’re not listed in the hottest singles” – 34%

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

Most of us don’t need a psychiatric therapist as much as a friend to be silly with.” —Robert Brault

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

He Couldn't Drink A Glass Of Water For 35 Years. Watch That All Change