Show Notes for Monday, August 19, 2024

This #MovieStarMonday we visit with author, motivational speaker and presenter at the 2024 Paralympics, Ed Jackson. Universal Pictures presents the inspiring new documentary, The Mountain Within Me, which tells the story of Ed Jackson, a professional rugby player who suffered a nearly fatal spinal cord injury that left him paralyzed from the neck down. Faced with life-altering challenges, Ed finds hope and renewed purpose in helping others – and, despite being told by doctors that he would never walk again, Ed channels his determination to climb the formidable mountains of Snowdonia, the Alps and Himalayas.

(See the trailer:

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

August 19th

National Aviation Day

National Soft Ice Cream Day

International Bow Day

International Orangutan Day

International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

National Patient Advocacy Day

National Potato Day

National Sandcastle And Sculpture Day

World Humanitarian Day

World Photo Day

World Photography Day

Afghanistan’s National Day

William J. Clinton’s Birthday

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

It turns out that those supposedly ‘helpful’ TikTokers who share their weight loss tips might be causing more harm than good. Research out of Charles Sturt University in Australia says that spending time on the social media platform — especially watching pro-anorexia content — could damage a young woman’s self-esteem and increase her risk of developing an eating disorder. The researchers wrote that even just 8 minutes of exposure to this type of content had “negative consequences for body image states and internalization of appearance ideals.” Their study of 273 university-aged women found that psychological harm can occur, even when this type of content is NOT sought out, and TikTok use is of a short duration. Women who used TikTok more than 2 hours a day reported even more disordered eating behaviors.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

American College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, deems certain students who take courses in Pistol Marksmanship, Archery, Sailing, and Fencing as certified “Pirates.”


Netflix has released a teaser for “Squid Game” season 2. The streamer shared a video that opens with classical music, before quickly cutting to a more ominous soundtrack. Lee Jung-jae reprises his role as the champion and sole survivor from Season 1 in the clip, which features a series of faceless players in their green tracksuits, the last of which is revealed to be his character ‘Seong Gi-hun’. Season 2 takes place 3 years after Gi-hun vowed revenge at the end of season 1, as he returns and joins the game again. Season 2 of Squid Game will premiere on December 26. LINK:

Catfish” host Nev Schulman is in recovery after sustaining what he described as “medical trauma and severe injury” in a bike accident. On Saturday, the MTV reality show MC disclosed on Instagram that he was hit by a truck while riding his bike to pick up his son from school on Aug. 5. He wrote: “I never made it to pick up my son. I was alone on impact. Me and the truck. And then I guess the pavement.” Beneath graphic photos taken at the hospital, Schulman detailed his injuries, including breaking his neck — though he is not paralyzed. After thanking medical staff, Schulman wrote: “I’m lucky to be here, alive, standing and hugging my family, projected to make a full recovery.”

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

A man who describes himself as a “public transportation enthusiast” has completed his bucket-list journey – traveling from Mexico to Canada via buses and trains – with one big catch: he refused to use any Greyhound buses or Amtrak trains to make the trip. Canadian William Hui set out on his trip on June 24, starting at his home in Vancouver BC. Over the course of 9 days, the 40-year-old relied on public buses and trains to make the trip along the Pacific coast to Tijuana, Mexico. His other rule: Keep walking between bus stops to a minimum. He says his longest walk was about 15 minutes, including border crossings. He spent just $200 on bus tickets, and said the trip was worth every penny. Hui spent a lot of time enjoying the scenery during his adventure, but admits he is thankful for free Wi-Fi.


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Gerber once tried to market a baby food for adults.

If you buy a lottery ticket on a Monday, you are 100 times more likely to die before the draw is held on Wednesday, than win the jackpot.

A study found that looking at a photo of a loved one reduces pain by 44%.

Elephants have only 4 teeth, which they can lose and replace up to 6 times.


THIS was originally used as a torture device, and now many of us own one. What is it?

Answer: A treadmill

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

Ozempic for pets — because of COURSE it’s going to happen! There may soon be a weight-loss drug available for fat felines and hefty hounds that promises to help them shed pounds similar to the way Ozempic and other drugs are doing the same for people. The startup company Okava Pharmaceuticals found in a study that a weight-loss drug helped cats shed 5% of their body weight in about 4 months. No word on how the dogs fared, but experts say that the new pet-friendly Ozempic-style drugs would also help as a method of preventing diabetes in canines. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention found in 2022 that 61% of cats and 59% of dogs are overweight.

THE LIST: Brought to you by


Toads give you warts: Let’s just get this one out of the way first. They can’t.

Lemmings engage in mass suicide: They don’t plunge off cliffs en masse into the sea below. The truth is that lemmings sometimes move as a herd to find more food, and when they cross bodies of water, some don’t make it.

Sloths are lazy: Yes, they are excruciatingly slow, but this is due to a very low metabolic rate, which means they need to conserve energy for survival—not because they’re unmotivated.

Elephants are scared of mice: Research has consistently showed that elephants don’t find mice particularly threatening. But like humans, they don’t like it when little things scurry out and take them by surprise.

Turtles don’t feel their shells: The top layer of most turtle shells is made of keratin, like our fingernails. And just as we can experience pain through our fingernails, so do turtles feel pain in their shells.

Birds abandon their babies if you touch them: Birds are better parents than we give them credit for. Feel free to return a fallen baby bird to its nest.

Bulls can’t see red: Surprise! Despite the common belief that the choice of a matador’s cape is actually arbitrary, because cattle are supposedly color-blind, bulls can discriminate some colors and shades, and have been shown to charge more forcefully when the object in question is a warm color.

Armadillos curl up into balls and roll away from predators: Actually, only 2 species of armadillo can roll up into balls at all. And they don’t roll away – it’s simply a way of using their armor to protect themselves.

Each lion pride has a king: Prides actually tend to be led by females, and it’s never a single “queen.” Lionesses form a sort of sisterhood. They have babies around the same time and raise them together.

Horses only sleep standing up: While they are good at grabbing some ZZZs while standing, they lie down when deeper sleep is needed, and will only do so when they are able to relax in a comfortable, safe place.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?” —Lily Tomlin

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

From Teacher To Hero: The Heartwarming Story Of A Lifesaving Friendship