Show Notes for Monday, August 05, 2024

This #MovieStarMonday we visit
Lara Wolf (Blue Blods, Quantico)

We'll talk about her new project “Those About To Die” on Peacock.

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

August 5th

National Underwear Day

National Oyster Day

Blogger Day

Green Peppers Day

International Traffic Light Day

National Couscous Day

National Dash Cam Day

Sandcastle Day

Work Like A Dog Day

Burkina Faso’s National Day

Commerce Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

Dogs can smell stress in humans – and it alters their own behavior. University of Briston researchers say they found that our pet canines experience “emotional contagion” from the smell of human stress — leading them to make more “pessimistic” choices, and affecting their ability to learn. Previous research in humans suggests that the smell of a stressed person subconsciously affects the emotions and choices made by others near them, which led the researchers to wonder if the same is true with dogs.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

A man legally has legally changed his name to “Literally Anybody Else”, in order to run for US President. The 35-year-old military veteran and middle school math teacher, formerly known as Dustin Ebey, said he entered the race in order to protest the major-party candidates, which at the time were President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Biden has since withdrawn from the race, and endorsed Kamela Harris as the Democratic candidate. Literally Anybody Else is running a write-in campaign in Texas, where did he did not get the required signatures to make it onto the ballot. But his odd name IS expected to appear on the Tennessee ballot.


The new season of “Cobra Kai” debuted as Netflix’s most-watched TV show of the week. After Netflix dropped Part 1 of 6th and final season last Thursday, the show tallied up 14.8 million views through its first several days. Viewership more than doubled that of the week’s second most-watched show, “Vikings: Valhalla” Season 3. Docuseries “Simone Biles: Rising” debuted in the #3 spot on the most-watched English TV list in its first week on the streamer. Cobra Kai Parts 2 and 3 will debut on Nov. 28 and January 2025, respectively.

As rumors about the third “Top Gun” film continue to circulate, Glen Powell has revealed he’s been given a “date” for when the movie will enter production. Powell starred alongside Tom Cruise and Miles Teller as ‘Lt. Jake “Hangman” Seresin in 2022’s “Top Gun: Maverick”. When he was asked about the next sequel’s progress during an appearance on the “Happy Sad Confused” podcast, he said: “I mean, I have a date”. When host Josh Horowitz asked if he could provide any additional information, Powell responded: “Absolutely not.”

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

By peeing in the shower, you can save about 1,160 gallons of water a year.

Many of the stories coming out of the Paris Olympics have been about the poor water quality in the Seine River. But the pools used for competitions might be just as bad, because, according to multiple Olympic swimmers, everyone pees in there. Lilly King, a 3-time US Olympian, said: “I’ve probably peed in every single pool I’ve swam in. That’s just how it goes.” Many athletes say the chlorine in pools makes any pee unnoticeable. In addition, swimmers agree that it’s important to stay hydrated up until their race time. As a result, bladders can be full. Add to that tight swimwear and pre-competition nerves, and, well, you sometimes gotta do what you gotta do. Many swimmers adhere to an unofficial code of conduct, wherein whenever possible, they pee when no one is nearby. As 4-time medalist Cullen Jones explained: “You never want to swim through a warm patch.


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Blockbuster had the chance to buy Netflix for $50 million in 2000, but turned it down to go into business with Enron.

In 1987, a man convinced 2.8 million people to send him a penny each to pay for his college education. (Total: $28,000)
✓ A study found that people interrupt close friends or family more than they interrupt strangers.

It takes one 15-20-year-old tree to produce 700 paper grocery bags.

The Italian Space Agency sent a specially-designed espresso machine into space for one of its astronauts.


A new report found that the least happy workers are in retail – and the happiest industry to work in is THIS. What is it?

Answer: Construction

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

Colorado’s Denver International Airport revealed the most unusual things to pass through its lost and found over the past year – and items include elk meat and a circular saw. The airport, which averages more than 200,000 travelers per day, receives almost 200 lost and found items daily. Some of the other odd items that have been turned into the airport’s lost and found are: A forklift battery, burial urns – and dogs found in the parking garage. By the way, a recent survey of European hotels found some of the most unusual lost and found items left behind in guest rooms included a full clown costume, a glass eye, dentures and multiple prosthetic limbs.

THE LIST: Brought to you by


A Reddit user asked the “AskOldPeople” community: “What’s one thing normal (from) your time, but is now bizarre to even think about?” And you don’t have to be very old to remember some of the responses…

☞ “Calling the movie theater to see what was playing and what the showtimes were.”

☞ “Anytime you answered a phone, you had no idea who was calling you.”

☞ “Always carrying dimes, later quarters, when on a date, in case things went sideways.”

☞ “Smoking in hospitals and on airplanes.”

☞ “Arriving at the airport shortly before takeoff, checking your luggage with minimal to no hassle, and boarding your flight.”

☞ “Paper maps. You had to figure out your own route…and road trips seemed more of an adventure back then.” (You want to talk about distracted driving? Try following a map while driving through a city!)

☞ “How utterly unsupervised we were as tiny children. I remember taking care of my brother by myself for the full summer while my parents worked starting at 8. He was 4.”

☞ “My parents would leave us 4 kids in the car while they stopped for groceries.”

☞ “The Yellow Pages” (Also: The phone book!)

☞ “The sounds younger people will never know of: listening to your modem connect to the internet.”

☞ “The milkman. Milk, eggs, cheese, and other dairy-adjacent items are delivered to the house weekly. And the milk and OJ were in the glass, returnable bottles.”

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

You find out who your real friends are when you’re involved in a scandal.” —Elizabeth Taylor

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

NYC Bus Driver Rescues Child He Saw Running Down The Middle Of The Street