Show Notes for Tuesday, July 30, 2024

John & Heidi share funny stories of people doing weird things... plus it's a Tuesday... so we have everyone's favorite segment... TUESDAYS with Charlie!!!BUY THE T-SHIRTS HERE OR HERE

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

July 30th

International Day Of Friendship

National Cheesecake Day

National Father-In-Law Day

National Support Public Education Day

National Whistleblower Day

Paperback Book Day

Share a Hug Day

World Day against Trafficking in Persons

World Snorkeling Day

Vanuatu’s National Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

A survey found that about 20% of people do not know how to change a bulb — and the same number aren’t sure how to boil an egg, either. The 2022 study, by British insurance company Aviva, asked 2000 people across the UK about their habits and roles at home. In addition to doubtfulness about being able to change a lightbulb, the survey found that nearly a third of participants couldn’t cook any meal on the fly. And only 37% said they could change a tire.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Some Maryland residents are taxed for the rain. As they say, "nothing is certain but death and taxes." Depending on where in the world you live, rain may be just as much of an inevitability. And for some Maryland residents, rain and taxes are both inescapable and tied together thanks to the "rain tax," which was passed by the state legislature and signed into law in 2012. Nine counties, as well as the city of Baltimore, pay the annual fee that the Center for Watershed Protection describes as a "user fee charged to property owners for the service of managing the polluted runoff coming from their property."


Johnny Depp is reported to have rented a house with an art studio, in order to throw himself into his passion for painting. Depp has spent the last several years honing his art skills, and is now said to have rented a townhouse in London’s West End, decked out with space for him to pursue his money-making sideline full-time. The “Pirates of the Caribbean” star has been spotted with paint-splashed shoes in the city’s Soho area, says the Daily Mail. The publication said he has “painted for years”, adding he made £3 million “in a few hours” in 2022, by selling prints from his debut art collection.

Bridgerton’s” Simone Ashley and “Game of Thrones” star Emilia Clarke have teamed up for a new Christmas movie. The duo, along with “300” star Gerard Butler, have signed on for “The Night Before Christmas in Wonderland”, an animated adaptation of the bestselling book, whose story is a crossover between “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” and “Alice in Wonderland”. No release date has been announced.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

This isn’t going to come across as earth-shaking news to anyone, but it’s certainly good to know. Researchers say that humor is a very important skill in parenting. Pennsylvania State College of Medicine researchers surveyed 300 people about their experiences being raised with or without humor. In a report published in the journal PLOS One, it was revealed that those who were raised by adults who used humor were found to have a more positive view of their parents or caregivers, are more likely to say they have a good relationship with them, are more likely to say they did a good job, and feel they are likely to use the same parenting techniques. Senior study author Dr. Benjamin Levi says that humor serves several important functions, including diffusing sour moods, creating bonds with children, stress relief, and promoting language and literacy skills. And it can benefit the parent, too.

The future of healthcare could be as simple as going to your doctor for a checkup and giving a single drop of blood. German researchers have developed a new method that can detect multiple health conditions from a single drop of blood plasma. Their study, published in Cell Reports Medicine, demonstrates how this technique, called infrared molecular fingerprinting, works by shining infrared light through a blood plasma sample and measuring how different molecules absorb the light. By applying advanced machine learning algorithms, the researchers were able to detect various health conditions with impressive accuracy. Experts say this could revolutionize healthcare, making early detection and diagnosis of multiple health conditions more accessible, efficient, and less invasive, with the potential to save countless lives and reduce healthcare costs.

Share this with your friends... they'll think you're really smart!

Scientists say the higher your IQ, the more you dream.

Some English words exist only in plural form, such as glasses, binoculars, scissors, tongs and pants.

Ironically, the most commonly misused word in the English language is “ironic”.
✓ The right rear tire on your car generally wears out before the others do.

Red is the first color a baby sees.


15% of men and women say THIS is the most romantic place to kiss. Where is it?

Answer: In front of a fireplace

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

The people Down Under love their coffee so much that Doritos Australia has introduced a coffee flavor to their famous line of chips. “Doritos Coffee” was supposedly created to help Aussies get over the “3pm slump”. 300 bags of limited-edition Doritos Coffee chips will be given away to fans. An online reviewer who managed to get his hands on a bag came away impressed. LINK:

THE LIST: Brought to you by


The 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony is tomorrow. If you think the new-to-the Olympics sport of breakdancing is odd, check out these events, which were once a part of the proceedings…

Tug of War: It was an event at 5 games between 1900-20. If neither team succeeded to pull the other over the line after 5 minutes, a winner was declared based on who performed the best.

Club Swinging: An event twice, in 1904 and 1932. Participants would perform a routine by swinging clubs that looked like bowling balls.

Running Deer: In the early 1900s, competitors shot at a deer-shaped target which would move, or “run,” a distance of 75 feet.

Dueling Pistols: In 1906, this bizarre event saw competitors shoot wax bullets at human-shaped targets dressed in long coats from a 20 or 30-meter distance.

Fencing With Sticks: A one-time event in 1904, “Singlestick” was similar to fencing, but the weapon was a rounded wooden stick, about 34 inches long. (So – hockey?)

Plunge for Distance: In 1904, this event saw competitors dive into a pool, then try not to move at all until one minute was up, or until they naturally floated to the surface. (It made for an incredible spectator experience…)

Solo Synchronized Swimming: Between 1984-92, the intent was for the swimmer to synchronize their movements to music. The solo Olympic sport has since evolved into a team effort now known as Artistic Swimming.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

If you can survive 11 days in cramped quarters with a friend and come out laughing, your friendship is the real deal.” —Oprah Winfrey

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

Texas Family's Quick Thinking With A Warm Tortilla Saves Baby Bird