Show Notes for Tuesday, July 23, 2024

John & Heidi share funny stories of people doing weird things... plus it's a Tuesday... so we have everyone's favorite segment... TUESDAYS with Charlie!!!BUY THE T-SHIRTS HERE OR HERE

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

July 23rd

Gorgeous Grandma Day

Hot Enough For Ya Day

International Yada, Yada, Yada Day

National Sprout Day

National Vanilla Ice Cream Day

National Women Touched By Addiction Day

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Day

Sprinkle Day

World Sjögren’s Day

Egypt’s National Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

Researchers say that early birds tend to be more religious than those who prefer to stay up late at night. Some people naturally prefer waking up early in the morning, while others like staying up late, and a third group falls somewhere in between. And prior research has linked being a “morning person” with having generally higher life satisfaction and being more conscientious. But in a study carried out last year, a team from the University of Warsaw found that there is a possibility that religiosity contributes to the relationship between being a morning person and enjoying higher life satisfaction.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Husbands cause twice as much stress for their wives as their kids do. That was the finding of a 2018 survey of 7,000 mothers in the US. The study, conducted by “Today”, also showed that the division of household tasks is one of the factors contributing to their stress, with 75% of mothers feeling that they shoulder most, if not all, of the household chores.


Ryan Seacrest is giving “Wheel of Fortune” fans a behind-the-scenes look at his first day of filming. Taking over for the beloved Pat Sajak after 4 decades as host, in his video, Seacrest admitted he was “spinning with excitement”, and his heart was pounding. Between introducing himself to his new co-workers and getting familiar with the set, Seacrest’s enthusiasm was palpable. Seeing the iconic wheel inside the studio, he joked it is “smaller than you think,” — same as some people may find him. The new host closed out the video of his first day on set with a joyful skip through the lot. LINK:

Nutcrackers”, David Gordon Green’s new comedy starring Ben Stiller, will open the 2024 Toronto Film Festival on Sept. 5. Stiller’s first starring role since the Netflix family drama “The Meyerowitz Stories” in 2017 will have its world premiere at Roy Thomson Hall, which is filled with ordinary moviegoers (not just industry people, as in Cannes and Venice). It has also been announced that “The Deb”, Rebel Wilson’s directorial debut, will close the TIFF on Sept. 15.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

I just read that a lion’s roar can be heard from 5 miles away.

No-shows” are a huge problem for restaurants these days, with as many as 1 in 5 diners in big cities failing to show up for their reservations. This can have a big financial effect on an already struggling industry. But a new study by Mandoe Media shows that 95% of top restaurants are fighting back by charging fees for missed reservations — and sometimes they cost as much as dinner would have. A Michelin-star spot in Toronto charges $350 per person — the cost of an 8-course dinner. While this is nothing new for Michelin-starred restaurants, independent spots are starting to do the same. When one Brooklyn NY eatery started charging $20 per person for missed reservations, no-shows dropped by 90%.

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Apples ripen after being picked. Oranges don’t.

Sleeping next to someone you love makes you fall asleep faster, reduces depression and helps you live longer.

The sleepiest animal in the world is the koala, which sleeps 22 hours a day
✓ July 16th is said to be the happiest day of the year.

Cats are the only known animal, aside from humans, that prefer to be given things freely rather than having to work for them.


THIS is most likely to happen in your home at 8am. What is it?

Answer: People fighting for time in the bathroom

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

Grocery store tourism” is becoming a thing for Gen Z travelers. Foreign grocery stores have become a ‘must-check out’ for a growing number of vacationers, who feel that adding unfamiliar overseas supermarkets to their sightseeing list can teach them about local food and culture – for much less than it would cost to visit trendy restaurants. Pushing a grocery cart alongside the locals as they shop for food and necessities has become an obsession with some young travelers, who have been sharing their fascinating findings on social media. And some are even travelling within their own country to check out what’s available in other places, like the TikToker who journeyed to the US west coast for the sole purpose of visiting the luxury supermarket chain known for expensive smoothies created by celebs such as Hailey Bieber [3 for $88].

THE LIST: Brought to you by


Dr. Seuss: You may know this one. Theodore Seuss Geisel’s pen name was Dr. Seuss. The correct German pronunciation rhymes with “voice”.

Jake Gyllenhaal: His surname pronounced properly sounds something like “Yeel-en-high-luh.” He joked to Conan O’Brien that the only places that can get it right are Sweden and IKEA.

Dr. Jekyll: Turns out it’s actually “Jeek-ul.” The character comes from the 1886 novella “Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”, where the Scottish pronunciation would have “Jekyll” rhyming with “treacle,” not “heckle.”

Vincent Van Gogh: North Americans pronounce it “van Go,” while Brits tend to say it “van Goff.” Turns out the Dutch pronounce it with a more guttural noise, which sounds like something between a cough and a laugh: “Khokh.”

Genghis Khan: Most say this with a hard “G,” like in the word “great.” But the Mongols actually called their legendary leader “Chinghis Khan.” And the internationally accepted pronunciation uses a soft “G,” beginning with a “jay” sound.

Matt Groening: Of course, you WANT to say “groaning.” But the “oe” in The Simpsons creator’s name is pronounced like “ay,” making the correct pronunciation “graining.”

Lindsay Lohan: When she posted her first TikTok in 2022, she introduced herself by saying, not surprisingly, “Hey everyone, it’s Lindsay Lohan”. To the surprise of many, she pronounced her last name: “LOW-en” instead of “LOW-han.”

Amanda Seyfried: Her last name is often mispronounced “Sea-fred,” “Sea-fried,” or even “Seigfred.” The correct way to say it is “Sigh-fred”.

Martin Scorsese: While commonly pronounced “Scor-say-zee,” he introduces himself in an Entourage episode as Marty “Scor-sess-ee.”

Demi Moore: She is on record as saying her name as “Duh-mee” rather than “Dem-ee.”

Rihanna: While many say “Ree-ah-nuh,” the most dedicated fans know she actually pronounces it “Ree-ann-uh.”

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

When you’re in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, ‘Damn, that was fun.'” —Groucho Marx

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

Police Officer Grabs Garden Hose To Stop House From Catching Fire