Show Notes for Thursday, July 04, 2024


Dear John

I'm 26 and have never had a girlfriend ever. But for a few minutes, I thought I had a chance. I even thought it may turn into my best summer ever, but now it's shaping up to be my worst. And it's all because of my dad. My parents got a puppy. A golden retriever. My mom named her Holly because she loves Christmas. I thought it was appropriate. My dad joked about the name and called her "Miss Princess Hollywood". He even registered that name with the vet. So when I was taking her to the vet for Holly's check-up, I was surprised to learn that the pup's name was listed on her form as "Miss Princess Hollywood." So I'm sitting in the waiting room, and a cute girl around my age comes in with a German Shepherd pup and sits by me. The pups started playing together, and we really hit it off. we talked about the dogs and I even asked her out. She said yes. Then the receptionist calls for our appointment and says, "Miss Princess Hollywood." I was so embarrassed, but it didn't help that while I was still standing there, they call out 'Duke' and the cute girl stands up with her pup. Now I'm totally embarrassed and went off on my dad. He thought it was funny and explained that it was just a bit of fun. He said we can call the dog Holly and it's all good. Then he said, "And how is Holly any less cool than Miss Princess Hollywood anyway?". My mom says the girl doesn't care and she is either into you or has nothing to do with a dog's name. She said call her up and tell her about the joke. It'll be funny and she'll love it. But I'm so embarrassed and angry. And I don't know how to even approach her about it. What would you recommend? How can I try to fix this?


Doggy Problems

We'll answer THIS Dear John Letter on Thursday's show.... and we can answer YOUR letter NEXT week! Simply send a message to our facebook page at (your comments are welcome & wanted) or email it through our web form at Whether we use it on the air or not, EVERY Dear John Letter is answered. We offer advice and promise to keep your identity 100% anonymous. #DearJohnLetters #JohnAndHeidiShow #FreeAdvice

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

July 4th

Alice in Wonderland Day

Filipino-American Friendship Day

Independence Day (USA)

Independence From Meat Day

Indivisible Day

Invisible Day

Jackfruit Day

National Barbecued Spareribs Day

National Caesar Salad Day

National Country Music Day

National Hillbilly Day

Sidewalk Egg Frying Day

Calvin Coolidge’s Birthday

Maryland State Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

The old saying says that “Once you learn to ride a bicycle, you never forget”. But what if you never learned in the first place? That’s the case for a shocking 24% of adults, according to a new poll. The survey of 2,000 Brits found almost a quarter lack this fundamental skill, a big jump from just 1 in 8, in a poll taken 5 years ago. Other activities that many adults were found to struggle with include: rollerblading (46%), swimming (28%), skateboarding (50%), ice skating (43%), and soccer (30%). So why don’t these people learn? Fear and embarrassment are the main reasons. Among those who can’t ride a bike, 16% said they are afraid of falling off. 52% said they feel they lack the skills needed to learn new sports – and 42% said they’re worried about embarrassing themselves in the process.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Only one US president was born on the 4th of July, (Calvin Coolidge)

but THREE have died on Independence Day. Even more bizarre, two of these presidents ALSO signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on the same day, July 4th 1826 and James Monroe died five years later on July 4th 1831. He did not sign the Declaration of Independence, but he did pen the Monroe Doctrine, another important founding paper.


A sequel to the iconic comedy “Freaky Friday” is well underway, and Disney has confirmed a release year for the project. With Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan reprising the roles of mother-daughter duo ‘Anna’ and ‘Tess Coleman’, the follow-up to Mark Waters’ 2003 movie is expected to hit cinemas in 2025. Disney marked the announcement with a shot of the 2 stars holding hands on set. The pic is a nod to the body-swap plot, as Lohan is pictured outside Curtis’s trailer, while Curtis is seen on the stairs of her co-star’s trailer, and doing the ‘rock on’ gesture, just as teen rocker Anna would. LINK:

Andy Serkis has given ‘Batman’ fans a timeline for when to expect Robert Pattinson’s Caped Crusader back on the big screen. The hotly anticipated sequel to Matt Reeves’ 2022 “The Batman” should arrive in theaters by mid-2026, or shortly after, according to Serkis, who plays Bruce Wayne’s trusted butler and confidant in the new iteration of the DC saga. Speaking at an event at ACE Superhero Comic Con 2024, Serkis joked: “Well, there is a huge arc which you’ve got – nah, I’m not giving away anything” — before revealing production is likely to start in early 2025.

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

Summer allergies are nothing to sneeze at. And you might be able to keep it that way if you follow this expert advice at keeping the congestion, coughing, teary eyes and, yes, sneezing, away: Shower before you sleep. Dr. Monica Kraft, an allergist and immunologist at the Ohio State University, said that for allergy sufferers, “going to sleep with the pollen that has coated the hair, skin and respiratory tract can mean longer exposure to what you are allergic to ― even when you’re no longer outdoors.” She notes that steam from a hot shower not only removes pollen — it also loosens mucus, thereby lessening your symptoms. Other experts suggest showering and changing clothes as soon as you get indoors, to reduce pollen on the skin, and the amount brought into the home.

Apparently, the one thing that all the “it-girls” seem to agree on is – the shade ‘butter yellow’ is going to be hot this summer. And while yellow is a typical spring-summer color every year, this year, it’s definitely a thing: Data shows that searches for “butter yellow” have skyrocketed 98% on the Asos fashion company’s website over the past month. And I’m sure you’ve seen the trendy color all over TikTok’s #foryoupage. And over the last few months, butter yellow has been featured on some big-name fashion trend-setters, including Hailey Beiber and Emily Ratajawkowski – and current singing sweetheart Sabrina Carpenter.

Share this with your friends... they'll think you're really smart!

✓The first 4th of July celebration included 13 cannon shots and 13 toasts (Philadelphia, 1777).
✓ The country’s Declaration of Independence was actually passed on July 2 – but was officially ratified on July 4.
✓ Americans typically eat 150 million hot dogs on Independence Day, enough to stretch from D.C. to L.A. more than 5 times.
✓ New York City’s Statue of Liberty is technically in Jersey City, New Jersey.
✓ USA is the only country that has all 5 climate zones: temperate, continental, tropical, dry, and polar.
✓ Abraham Lincoln is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame.


If you’re average, you’ll do THIS 5 times in your life. What is it?

Answer: Lock yourself out of your car

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

Twenty-three sets of twins have graduated from a Massachusetts middle school, making up about 10% of the 8th-grade class. The identical and fraternal twins graduated from Pollard Middle School in Needham. What’s more, another student, who is also a twin, graduated — but her brother attends a different school. The principal said the school typically has “anywhere from 5 to 10 sets at most” in the graduating class. Twins account for around 3% of live births in the US, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.

THE LIST: Brought to you by


According to a new study by Demographia, which analyzed middle-income affordability across 94 major cities in 8 countries…


1. Pittsburgh, PA, USA

2. Rochester, NY, USA

2. (tie) St. Louis, MO, USA

4. Cleveland, OH, USA

5. Edmonton, AB, Canada

5. (tie) Buffalo, NY, USA

5 (tie) Detroit, MI, USA

5. (tie) Oklahoma City, OK, USA

9. Cincinnati, OH, USA

9. (tie) Louisville, KY, USA

11. Singapore, Singapore

LEAST AFFORDABLE:(These cities were determined by the researchers to be “impossibly unaffordable” when it comes to purchasing a home…)

1. Hong Kong, China

2. Sydney, NSW, Australia

3. Vancouver, BC, Canada

4. San Jose, CA, USA

5. Los Angeles, CA, USA

6. Honolulu, HI, USA

7. Melbourne, VIC, Australia

8. San Francisco, CA, USA

9. Adelaide, SA, Australia

10. San Diego, CA, USA

11. Toronto, ON, Canada

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

I’m a bit of a sucker for second chances. They’re my first favorite kind of chance.” —Jessica Day, New Girl

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

Heart-Stopping Moment Hero Officer Runs Into Burning Home To Save Trapped Resident In Wheelchair