Show Notes for Saturday, July 27 and Sunday, July 28, 2024

Today we visit with Lucy Walsh (Daughter of Joe Walsh) We will visit about her childhood as the daughter of a rock star and her own amazing career, plus we will discuss her new book “Remember Me As Human: What Three Final Days with My Grandmother Wanda Taught Me About Truly Living -

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

July 27th

Bagpipe Appreciation Day

Barbie-In-A Blender Day

Cross Atlantic Communication Day

Gary Gygax Day

National Chicken Finger Day

National Creme Brûlée Day

National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day

National Love Is Kind Day

National Scotch Day

National Sleepy Head Day

Norfolk Day

Take Your Houseplant For A Walk Day

Walk On Stilts Day

International Decora Day

National Black Women’s Equal Pay Day

National Day Of The Cowboy

Paddle for Perthes Disease Awareness Day

Reek Sunday

July 28th

Buffalo Soldiers Day

National Hamburger Day

National Milk Chocolate Day

National Soccer Day

National Waterpark Day

World Hepatitis Day

World Nature Conservation Day

Peru’s National Day

Auntie’s Day

National Parent’s Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

If your plan is to buff up for the beach this summer, you’re almost out of time. According to a recent survey, the average person believes it takes 6 weeks of a new fitness regime before you’ll be able to spot a physical difference. But the good news is this: Once they’ve seen results in themselves, 54% say it’s “easier” to maintain their routine. The poll of 2,000 adults in the US also found that the most common experiences that make people feel out of shape and motivated to work out include: running out of breath often (49%) and trying on clothing that no longer fits (46%). In fact, 29% said they realized they were out of shape after not being able to walk up a flight of stairs without feeling winded.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

There's a reason there's a hole in your pen caps. And that's because they're a choking hazard without them. "In addition to help prevent the pen from leaking, all of our BIC caps comply with international safety standards that attempt to minimize the risk of children accidentally inhaling pen caps. Some of these vented caps … have a little hole in the top to comply with the existing safety standards," the BIC pen company explains on its website.


As he battles to resurrect his career and clear his name after being hit by a string of allegations in 2021 including emotional abuse, manipulation and rape – and the infamous accusation he harbored cannibalism fantasies – Armie Hammer has declared he is NOT a cannibal. He was asked by Piers Morgan on his YouTube show, if he was a cannibal, to which Hammer replied: “You know what you have to do to be a cannibal? You have to have actually eaten somebody.” He also insisted during the chat that the allegations stemmed from consensual sexual acts and role playing.

A series of filming notices for “And Just Like That,” the continuation of the “Sex and the City” franchise, are popping up all over New York City. But there’s a glaring problem: the notices are clearly fake. One of them, supposedly placed by the location manager, reads, “After getting hit by a Citibike, Carrie retains Fletcher Reede (Jim Carrey) from ‘Liar Liar” as her lawyer.” A second notice reads: “Carrie goes on a bad date with Mr. Bean and then accidentally sends him a nude.” Another says: “At brunch with the girls, Carrie reveals that she is Garfield the cat.” No word yet on who is posting the fake filming notices. LINK:

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

The world of fantasy sports is more than just a bit of leisure-time fun. For many, it’s a passion – or even an obsession. But it also can be a huge problem. A new study published in “Simulation & Gaming” warns that participating in fantasy soccer can be very bad for your mental health. Researchers at Queen Mary University in London found that players who were most heavily involved in fantasy soccer (‘fantasy football’ in the UK) — those who spent more time managing their teams, participated in multiple leagues, and had money riding on the outcomes — reported both the highest levels of positive mood and the most significant mental health concerns. This suggests that for many players, fantasy soccer is a double-edged sword, capable of producing intense emotional highs alongside potentially troubling lows. Another key finding was that those who often compare their team’s performance to others, or frequently checked their rankings, also reported negative mental health outcomes. This suggests that the competitive aspect of fantasy sports can be a significant source of stress and anxiety for players.

A British startup may have just put an end to one of the big drawbacks of driving an electric car — waiting for the battery to charge. Nybolt has developed a new 35kWh lithium-ion battery that was charged from 10% to 80% in just 4½ minutes in a live demonstration last week. Compare that to the 20 minutes or so it currently takes electric cars, using a fast charger. That’s also comparable to the 2 minutes it takes to fill up the average gasoline-powered car. The company says one key to its new batteries’ ability to be charged so quickly is a design that generates less heat. It also makes them safer, because overheating can cause a lithium-ion battery to catch fire and explode.

Share this with your friends... they'll think you're really smart!

Wild birds in Australia have been heard swearing, having learned the words from escaped pets.
✓ In Victorian times, sausages were called “bags of mystery.”

A caterpillar has up to 4,000 muscles.

On land, a tortoise can move as fast as 1 mph.

Recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees.


The average woman will do THIS nearly 10 times today. What is it?

Answer: Reapply lipstick or lip gloss

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

The latest vacation trend is not knowing where you’re going until you get to the airport. “Mystery travel” involves easy-going people outsourcing the job of planning their getaway to a travel agent, who looks after booking flights, restaurant reservations and other details without their knowledge. All the vacationer needs to do is provide a few broad location preferences — and show up at the airport on time. The travel agent gives them a few tips about what to pack, and a sealed envelope, to be opened upon arrival at the airport.

THE LIST: Brought to you by

A recent social media trend is for people to share their so-called “toxic traits” online. And while the seriousness of some of these people’s afflictions can be questioned, their sense of humor definitely cannot. Here are some of the best self-described ‘toxic traits’ . . .

☞ “My toxic trait is I always have to eat EXACTLY what I have a taste for.” – Sisi

☞ “my toxic trait is thinking i could be a surgeon after watching nine seasons of grey’s anatomy” – anna

☞ “My toxic trait is that if I came across a bear in the wilderness I think it would really appreciate little head scratches” – Ron Iver

☞ “my toxic trait is that if they opened Jurassic park I would still totally go” – ely kreimendahl

☞ “My toxic trait is texting my husband from a different room then walking over to ask if he read my text yet” – emmy-pooh

☞ “My toxic trait is I don’t ever return or exchange clothes that don’t fit, I’m just going to have the wrong size sitting in my closet for all eternity” – General Lee Dope

☞ “my toxic trait is assuming every annoying person is a virgo” — bri

☞ “my toxic trait is thinking i’m one little treat away from all my problems being solved” — Adam

☞ “my toxic trait is i think i can cut my own hair” – Kemi Marie

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

We know our friends by their defects rather than by their merits.” —William Somerset Maugham

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

'We Are So Proud Of You': Three Brave 11-Year-Old Girls Save 6-Year-Old From Kidnapper