Show Notes for Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Today we visit with a very funny comedian, Steve TreviƱo. His latest stand-up special, A Simple Man, was released on Netflix March 12th.

He's currently on his Good Life Tour. For tickets and info go to

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! (A special thanks to

May 1st

Couple Appreciation Day

CSS Reboot Day

Executive Coaching Day

Frequent Flyer Day

Global Love Day

International Doodle Dog Day

International Sunflower Guerrilla Garden Day

International Workers Day

Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 Day

Law Day

Learn To Ride A Bike Day

Lei Day

May Day

National Black Barber Shop Appreciation Day

National Blessing Day

National Chocolate Parfait Day

National Infertility Survival Day

National Loyalty Day

National Mantra Day

National Mother Goose Day

National Rotate Your Beer Day

National School Principals’ Day

New Home Owners Day

Phone In Sick Day

Purebred Dog Day

Save The Rhino Day

Silver Star Service Banner Day

Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day

Worthy Wage Day

Marshall Islands National Day

Great American Grump Out

National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day

National Interpreter Appreciation Day

National Skilled Trades Day

Project Aces Day

SURVEYS, STUDIES & SUCH: Brought to you by

According to a survey, more than one in 4 of us sort-of believe we can will our sickness away. A poll of 2,000 adults in the US found that until they have cold sweats or chills (48%), a fever (46%) or see green when they blow their nose (21%), they won’t admit they’re sick. Usually, that means it takes about 2 days of symptoms before they admit they’re unwell. And almost 60% said they have, at some point, used the excuse that “it’s just allergies” (‘tis the season…) when someone asks if they’re feeling OK. The OnePoll survey also found that more than one-third (36%) said they are more likely to carry on and go to work on the first day they feel under the weather, rather than take a sick day. But their healthy co-workers aren’t too impressed: 71% said they feel it’s rude to come to work when you’re sick.

DID YA KNOW!? Brought to you by

Cultivated meat is closer than ever to your dinner table, with a Dutch startup reporting a massive increase in efficiency — that means pork can be grown in just one week. That’s much quicker than on the farm, where a pig is reared for at least 8 months. The people at Meatable say they have smashed their own record of growing pork in 2 weeks, and they’ve “created a product of the highest quality with the expressions of proteins and long fatty acid chains which are essential to give meat its unique pork sensory experience.” That means it has good “mouth-feel”. Meatable creates cultivated meat from just a single animal cell, and the company expects to reduce the time required even further.


John Krasinski doesn’t usually fret about reviews. But for his new film “IF,” he is terrified of the response from two people: His 7 and 10-year-old daughters. “I’ve never been worried about two reviews more in my life,” Krasinski told The Associated Press in a recent interview. “I’m genuinely terrified. I hope it goes well.” “IF,” about a young girl (Cailey Fleming) and her neighbor (Ryan Reynolds) who can see everyone’s imaginary friends including those that have gotten left behind, is one of this summer’s major studio releases opening on May 17. In a landscape full of brands and franchises, it’s the rare original idea that has the backing of a big studio, Paramount, and an ambitious scale and scope. It was shot largely in New York by Oscar-winning cinematographer Janusz Kaminski and blends live-action and animation with an army of celebrity voices including Steve Carell, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Matt Damon, Jon Stewart, Maya Rudolph and the late Louis Gossett Jr. The idea to make a film about imaginary friends started and evolved with his kids, whom he shares with actor Emily Blunt (who also voices a character). At first, it just sounded like a fun, family friendly idea. Paramount agreed and in October 2019 signed on to help make and distribute the film, with Krasinski and Reynolds’ Maximum Effort. Then the pandemic hit and like so many parents of young children, he saw his daughters’ worlds alter dramatically. “They started asking questions like, ‘Are we going to be okay’ and ‘what’s going on?’ I got so panicked. I just said, no way, we’ve got to do something about this,” he said. “That’s when it hit me to make this movie about something a little bit more, a little bit deeper than just imaginary friends.” When he started to look into the psychology behind imaginary friends, he began to understand that these weren’t just whimsical creations. They were in fact coping mechanisms to “metabolize” daily life, whether it’s bullies at school, a divorce at home, a projection of dreams and ambitions, or any number of stressors that find their way into young minds. He understood it now as a sacred place. “Once I realized that we were dealing with some high-level stuff, some highly imaginary, flammable stuff, I was like, this is really, really exciting,” he said. “I knew we were on to something special, and I just wanted to take it as seriously as I could.”

SCOOP OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If a friend or co-worker makes a joke at your expense, or comes up with a “fun” insult, how should you respond? The problem is that is you act as if the comment didn’t offend you, that may invite a repeat performance — but taking exception might result serious conflict. This is where Harvard-trained etiquette expert Sara Jane Ho comes in. Ho is not only the founder of a finishing school, she also has her own Netflix show, called “Mind Your Manners”. She says that when someone is rude to you, you should use this 3-word response: “Are you OK?” According to her, saying ‘Are you OK?’ signals that even if you don’t take the comment personally, you didn’t appreciate it. In order not to be offensive back, you should say it in a friendly way, so it “sounds as though it is coming from a place of care, and that’s usually (enough) to put the person in check.” One more thing: Regardless of who made the negative comment, remember to not let it control your mood. Ho says: “The greatest power is showing that the other person doesn’t have power over you.”


Share this with your friends... they'll think you're really smart!

Disney World is the second-largest purchaser of explosives in the United States, the first is the U.S. Department of Defense.

The symbols used by cartoonists to indicate swearing are called “grawlixes”.

The stickers on fruit are edible. The glue is also FDA approved.

Apples are part of the rose family.

If you’re feeling nervous, chew gum. Your brain will reason that you’re not in danger because you wouldn’t be eating if you were.


Question: Two-thirds of those who own one of THESE — have a name for it. What is it?

Answer: A guitar

WEIRD NEWS: Brought to you by

Bozo criminal for today comes from Louisville, Kentucky, where bozo Conor Lucas walked into the local Porsche dealership and said he wanted to buy a car. And he had the cash money, too, as he showed them a check he had for $78 million. Yep, 78 million dollars. Undeterred when management refused his offer, our bozo walked into the parts department “looking for the keys.” When he continued to refuse to leave until he got his car, the cops were called. Busted! And charged with criminal trespassing and disorderly conduct. One final note, it seems the tried the same trick the day before at the Land Rover dealership, but this time the check was only for $12 million.

THE LIST: Brought to you by


According to fans…

1. “Looney Tunes” (1930): Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Co. have an enduring appeal that has made their slapstick antics pop-culture mainstays.

2. “Batman The Animated Series” (1992): Started a new era of dramatic action storytelling in cartoon series.

3. “The Simpsons” (1989): Not just the longest-running cartoon series to date, it’s TV’s longest-running scripted primetime series.

4. “Bojack Horseman” (2014): An often-searing portrait of depression, failure, addiction, and more. It just happens to focus on a talking horse.

5. “Avatar The Last Airbender” (2005): Through its original storytelling and respectful representation of fictional eastern culture, it has become a beloved classic.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: Brought to you by

If you have a favorite quote.... you can send it to us at the bottom of the page at

My definition of an intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger.” —Billy Connolly

GOOD NEWS: Brought to you by

Seven Good Samaritans Rescue Man Trapped In Burning Car On Interstate 94