Tuesday September 11, 2018

Show Notes for Tuesday September 11, 2018

John & Heidi share funny stories of people doing weird things... plus it's a Tuesday... so we have everyone's favorite segment... TUESDAYS with Charlie!!!
https://goo.gl/S476Js OR HERE https://goo.gl/GQvVxo

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY!!! (A special thank you to NationalDayCalendar.com)
September 11th
National Make Your Bed Day
National Hot Cross Bun Day
Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance

National Ants on a Log Day – Second Tuesday in September

"Every moment and every event of every man's life on earth plants something in his soul." --Thomas Merton"Every moment and every event of every man's life on earth plants something in his soul." --Thomas Merton

Brought to you by the Addiction Hope and Helpline! 1-800-438-0380
I'm going to give you the name of a REAL place...I want you to tell me if it houses a GOLF COURSE or a REHAB CENTER!
The Retreat in Cleburne, Texas ….. GOLF COURSE

Brought to you by the Addiction Hope and Helpline! Each day we talk about people doing dumb things under the influence, but addiction is no laughing matter…
if you or someone you know needs help, there’s a toll free number you can call…
1-800-438-0380…. That’s the Addiction Hope and Help Line… 1-800-438-0380

Two North Carolina women are jailed on child abuse charges after a Snapchat video showed three small children smoking what appeared to be a marijuana blunt. Police arrested 21-year-old Michaela Pearson and 18-year-old Candice Little in connection with the troubling video. Both defendants are locked up in lieu of $150,000 bond after being charged with three counts of felony child abuse and three counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, a misdemeanor. In the video, Pearson is seen handing the blunt to the children. Little apparently recorded the children smoking and posted the video to her Snapchat page. Pearson and Little were arrested hours after the video began going viral on Facebook.
BIG SCREEN-LITTLE SCREEN:  Brought to you by ChannelSurferTV.com... TV with a LOWER monthly fee!
Former Cosby Show star Geoffrey Owens has received an outpouring of support
after he was job shamed for working at Trader Joe’s. Tyler Perry reached out to Owens via twitter about joining his new movie. (http://goo.gl/oZvdzb)
The CBS board of directors has reportedly been in talks to give CEO Les Moonves $100 million dollars to leave the company over sexual harassment allegations. (https://goo.gl/3myCF5)
Brought To You By 80sInTheSand.com (Join John & Heidi for a FUN WEEK!)

Minneapolis FBI agents held a press conference Tuesday to announce they had recovered a pair of ruby red slippers that were stolen from the Judy Garland museum in 2005.

A new online dating trend called “curving” is the latest form of rejecting someone. To “curve” means to respond to someone’s texts but say so little that you’re dropping hints that you’d rather not talk to them. (https://goo.gl/JXXnXo)

A new study revealed that over a dozen men who worked in the cleanup effort at Ground Zero have developed a mild form of breast cancer. (https://goo.gl/pymCLT)

A study by the University of Rochester found that the flavors used in E-Cigarettes are harmful to white blood cells.

Dallas police arrested a crazed man who rammed his truck into Fox studios and began ranting about treason.

The Russian Government claims that a hole in the international space station was most likely an act of sabotage by a psychologically disturbed astronaut. (https://goo.gl/93tBGn)

Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin slammed the Ryan Gosling film “First Man” for refusing to show the American flag during Neil Armstrong’s moon landing. (https://goo.gl/j4AByJ)

FUN FACT FOR YOU: Brought To You By LearnWithoutLoans.com 

Share this with your friends... they'll think you're really smart!

The Sun City Poms is a cheerleading squad in Arizona that only people 55 or older can join.
The Grandiloquent Word of the Day

LINK TO TODAY'S WORD - Grandiloquent Words

Pogonotrophy (po-GAH-nuh-troh-fee)
-The act of cultivating, or growing and grooming, a mustache, beard, sideburns or other facial hair.

From Greek pōgōnotrophia, from pōgōno- pogon- + -trophia -trophy

Used in a sentence:
“Women once preferred the imberb gent, but these days, practitioners of pogonotrophy are the superstars of swoon.”


An Idaho man whose distinctive hand tattoo helped betray him as a casino robber has been sentenced to nearly nine years in prison. 28-year-old Dillon McCandless pleaded guilty in June to robbery and using a firearm during a violent crime. Authorities said he pumped a shotgun, ejecting a shell on the floor, when he robbed the casino on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation. Surveillance video showed that the robber had a distinctive hand tattoo. After police released the image in an effort to identify him, a Bingham County deputy sheriff and others recognized the suspect as McCandless. The U.S. Attorney's Office for Idaho says Chief U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill sentenced McCandless on Friday. (https://goo.gl/vFVyiM)

A kindergarten principal in China tried to liven up a back-to-school event by hiring a pole dancer — and was promptly fired when fuming parents complained about the racy stunt. Videos shared on social media showed a dancer scantily clad in hot pants and a midriff-bearing shirt entertaining crowds of 3 to 6-year-old kids dressed in pristine uniforms and their parents at the Xinshahui private kindergarten in Shenzhen. The schoolchildren appear to be taking in the show with a mixture of confusion and excitement, with some of the boys attempting to copy the dancer’s gyrating and hair-flipping. After outrage from parents and the videos gaining attention on social media, the Baoan educational bureau said the pole dance was “inappropriate” and fired the principal. (https://goo.gl/LynKhB)
Is this story "Fake News" or something that actually happened in Florida.
A Miami man was arrested for riding his bike naked and weaving in and 
out of traffic on I-95
FLORIDA - (https://goo.gl/qSDrGA)

Submit YOUR "Fake News or Florida" stories at JohnAndHeidiShow.com
GOOD NEWS: Brought To You By Odeeva... the monthly subscription for ladies! RadioSavings.com
Alabama man who walked 20 miles to work given boss' car https://www.wate.com